Friday, March 2, 2012


In a cyber tour you can find ulamonge blog and read:

"Fado is a Portuguese type of song, which the main subject is usually "Saudade" (the feeling of missing someone or something), painful love, wonderful gone youth and the love for a lost country (either for immigration or for politics...)
For those who have never heard it, this is the perfect chance. Here is a song by the most famous Fado singer, Amália Rodrigues, called "Zanguei-me com o meu amor" [loosely translated by 'Argued with my Love']"
   in ulamonge blog "Zanguei-me com o meu amor"

If you keep surfing the net you can find a link: poem "Saudade" by Julie Champagne
...  and read the  poem “Saudade” by Julie Champagne.

This poem is part of a work, written in Portuguese by a Canadian student at Université de Montréal, Julie Champagne, about our world famous saudade.

This poem is part of a work, written in Portuguese by a Canadian student at Université de Montréal, Julie Champagne, about our worldwide famous word "saudade".


Uma lágrima de tinta
Que toca uma guitarra
Uma lágrima de tristeza
Uma lágrima de alegria
Uma lágrima de melancolia
Uma lágrima de euforia :
Uma melodia única
Salgada como o mar
Que faz voltar os navios
Como os corações vazios
Fado tinto de azul
Como os olhos da musa
Uma melodia única
Um sentimento português
Uma identidade sem idade
A saudade sem idade
Julie Champagne


A tear of ink
That plays the guitar
A tear of sadness
A tear of joy
A tear of melancholy
A tear of euphoria:
A unique melody
Salty as the sea
That brings back the ships
As empty hearts
Fado is blue
Like the eyes of the muse
A unique melody
A Portuguese feeling
An identity without  age
Saudade without age
Julie Champagne

Carlos do Carmo singing "Não se morre de saudade" "You don´t die of saudade" "Não se morre de saudade"
Não Se Morre de Saudade Lyrics
Carlos do Carmo

Não se morre de saudade
De saudade eu não morri
Nem morro nesta ansiedade
De viver, morrendo em ti

Não sou a flor que tu beijas / Nem o Deus das tuas preces
Não serei o que desejas / Mas sou mais do que mereces

Sou pausa no teu recreio / Sou o brinquedo quebrado
És um livro que não leio / Porque está sempre fechado

No banco verde da esperança / Estou sentado à tua espera
Continuo a ser criança / No meu jardim de quimera

Traz a bola e vem brincar / Traz o arco e vem correr
Traz a corda e vem saltar / Meu amor, p'ra eu te ver

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Leonor of Portugal, Sacred Roman Empress was born in Torres Vedras

Leonor of Portugal, Sacred Roman Empress

Leonor de Portugal by Hans Burgkmair the Elder, 1473-1531

Leonor de Portugal ( or  Lyanor /Lianor) (Torres Vedras, 18th September 1434 - Wiener Neustadt, September 3rd, 1467) was a Portuguese princess of the House of Aviz, daughter of King Duarte of Portugal and his wife Leonor of Aragon.
 She was married to Frederich III.
On  November 19th  1451, D. Leonor went to Siena. She was received at the city gates by Archduke Albert VI of Austria, younger brother of the Emperor and King of Hungary and Duke of Austria Ladislaus Posthumus, a cousin of her husband. Only after transposing the gates  D. Leonor met her husband Frederick III. This meeting was celebrated for eternity by the hand of Pinturicchio.

 Eneias Sílvio Piccolomini (the future Pope Pio II) celebrating the marriage of Frederich III, Imperor of the Sacred Empire, with the Portuguese princess D. Leonor (fresco of Pinturicchio).

The Emperor gave to his wife, by letter dated March 16, 1461, the vicedomínio of Laibach, in the Duchy of Carniola (now Ljubljana, capital of Slovenia).